Les Applications

iDoc24 has an international community of board certified dermatologists. All dermatologists have been vetted by the iDoc24 advisory board, which includes Associate Professor John Paoli, dermatologist Jonathan Bowling and Professor Hans Peter Soyer. We audit 50% of all incoming queries monthly to keep answers at the highest standard.

There is a growing trend searching for medical information online. However, it is very difficult to search for specific dermatology issues without an appropriate “key word.” Our dermatology apps can help narrow down your condition.

We provide a “first opinion” on a possible diagnosis and possible treatment options, and we advise if a face-to-face physician visit is necessary. The service is not intended to substitute a dermatologist visit but is ideal for immediate guidance on skin issues.

From extensive scientific research and analysis of incoming data, 70% of the sent in queries are benign and can be self treated. The other 30% are recommended a face-to-face visit for further tests, diagnosis, and treatment. From one of our surveys, the most positive user outcome was that the service relieves anxiety — it gives a quick answer for “what to do next.”


iDoc24 Apps:



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    SkyDeck, 2150 Shattuck

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