Ask a dermatologist about your skin problem in 3 easy steps

Using our app or web form, take 2 pictures of the affected area: an overview and a close-up photo.

Once your information has been filled out, simply pay the fee, and your case will be sent to an iDoc24 dermatologist.

Our dermatologists will carefully review your case and send you information about the possible identity and possible treatment choices of your skin condition.
iDoc24 offers you an easy way to access a licensed dermatologist through your mobile or the web. Tens of thousands of people around the world have received professional guidance from our dermatologists. Simply take 2 photos of your skin problem, fill out information about your symptoms and press send. Within 24 hours a dermatologist will evaluate your case, give their professional information. You will also get personalized next step information for taking care of your skin. No Contracts. No Registration. No Hassle.