First Derm is now available in 6 different languages!
iDoc24’s First Derm app is currently available in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Swedish, and starting today it will also be available in Simplified Chinese! With China’s increasing demand for dermatologists, citizens are spending discretionary time and money waiting in hospital lines to see specialists about skin concerns that could potentially be diagnosed quicker from home. Because of a shortage of doctors, China is expected to grow to be the world’s 2nd largest mobile health market by 2017, following the United States.
从今天开始,First Derm 现在可以翻译成六种不一样的语言:英语,西班牙语,瑞典语,義大利文,法文和中文!隨著中国人看皮肤科医生的次數越來越多,你我將花很多的等待的時閒及金錢到医院找專科医生,現有另一种可以很快及有效的在家中珍断出疾病。因为短缺医生,預計中国緊隨著美国會在2017年以前成为世界第二大移動式电子医療市場。
We’re excited to be part of the solution to this problem by providing a quick and simple way for people to connect with a dermatologist from anywhere across the Pacific Ocean. But it isn’t only for those living overseas; if you have a friend or a relative in America who is more comfortable interacting with doctors in a language other than English, we’re also allowing them to gain access to our board certified dermatologists and skin information without the concern of a language barrier.
我们很高兴能成为解决这个问题的一部分。有我们快速,简单的方法,人们可以随时随地横跨太平洋跟我们的皮肤科连接。但不只是给那些生活在美国之外的中国人用;如果您在美国有习惯跟医生讲中文的朋友或亲戚,可以放心地用我们的App 同我们眾多及認証过的皮肤科医生毫無語言溝通的障礙下獲得任何有关皮肤的資訊。
Like the other versions of our app, the user simply needs to snap a couple pictures of the problem, send them to our board-certified doctors, and wait 24 hours for a professional response. The user can also browse dermatology clinics nearby and read about common skin conditions with our skin guide. With our service, receiving an answer to skin problems is effortless, and we hope to make healthy skin a feasible goal for everyone, no matter the location.
就像我们其他版本的应用程序,用户只需要二張皮肤問題的照片,发送到我們協會认証的皮肤科医生,24 小時之后,您將會得到他們的專業答覆。用戶可以找到附近的皮肤科诊所,和读我们医生写的皮肤讲解员。用我们的服务,底到皮肤问题的答案是很简单的,我们希望让健康的皮肤变成一个大家可以随时随地底到的目标。